September 16, 2012

Let's Try this again.

I can't believe it has been a year since I tried to start this thing.  A year since I tried to start and a year since I've posted anything.  The main problem has been that I'm writing three different comics and building a website for them, so there really hasn't been much time for me to write short stories.  None at all.

I'm going to make an attempt to revamp the website though.  Now it will be all about very short stories like I do yearly for the local 95-word story contest.  I like the format and it forces you to say what you have to and paint a picture in very little space.  I'm also going to be writing short essays that are based on my fumbling with a new philosophy.  An exploration into peace, non-aggression, and liberty.  Expect that within the very short stories as well.

I guess this wasn't so much written for people to read, but it's my mission statement that I'm going to try damn hard to stick to.

- John