August 29, 2013

No Philosophy, Part 4

What happens in 2106?  What happens after we are tormented through the most expensive advertising campaign in history?  What happens when we have another Clinton or Bush sitting on the throne?  What happens when another generation puts all their hopes and needs into one man or woman, yet again, and the democratic system completely fails yet again?

Absolutely nothing happens.  We go on, split down the middle, having the same arguments while war and corporatism reign supreme over our lives.  We go on with our public schooled minds thinking something different is happening when in reality, it is the same damn thing.  The advertisers and sycophants will try to maintain the illusion, and mostly it will work.  People will believe that their representative, their president, their team is doing the best possible job, and when they force others to abide by their law, there is nothing wrong with that because they just want the best for everyone.

Life, for another four years, will not progress.  We will just wait for that next opportunity to herd into boxes and vote within the monopolistic system of the state.  And we will do this again and again, hopelessly in wait for the one true master who will finally change everything.  And we will do this forever while our neighbors die in debt or in war.  Instead of being the rock between the gears, we will continue to be the oil.



“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!” - Mario Savio

I love this quote.  I’ve heard this quote so many times in my life and every single time I do it retains deep meaning, but it is the meaning of a different time.  1964 was almost fifty years ago and life has greatly changed.  We can no longer throw ourselves on the gears and wheels because we are the machinery that runs the damn thing.  We are the automatons that march into booths and vote for the teams we’ve been programmed to root for.  Speaking from my own experience, most times we don’t put much weight behind our own team’s belief system, they are just part of the package, and they make sense as long as you stay within that world.  Finding our own truth suffers.

America has become a country of two ways that are really only one because they both expand the monster we call government with only insignificant details being different.  While that monster grows and grows we get more and more lost in the fray until our own individual autonomy is torn completely away.  Progress is not boxing yourself into a system without choices.  Progress is not government monopoly.  Progress is not democracy.  Democracy is just another system of collectivism and control that lets a small majority get away with taking liberty from a minority.  It is authoritarian.  It is the mob.  It should be done away with.

In 2008 I voted for Barack Obama, a man whom like all politicians, I knew little to nothing about.  We don’t know these people, but we get wrapped up in their policies, and their speeches, and their plans.  We like them because they present themselves as part of the do-something crowd and not the do-nothings.  They stand before cheering fans, who wave flags of worship in all their unquestioning, screaming, orgasmic glory.  And we want to be part of that, the promise of the bright future to be brought about by a great man.  Like me, I suspect that these people have no philosophy and their opinions and ideas have been marketed to them.  But underneath, I know there is something festering, something waiting to break.  Their individualism is just beneath the surface waiting to escape the forever hammering down bludgeon of the state.

I don’t know Obama.  I don’t know McCain.  I don’t know Clinton, Romney, Bush, or any of the others, and certainly these names will be meaningless to me in another decade or so unless one of their brethren decides to get elected as their right to the royal chair in the oval office no matter how worthless a human being they are.  Even though the awful policies of the aforementioned politicians will still effect the future, the statist stooges in the media will forever try to maintain the image of their captains, and only blame those who currently hold power (or the market) even if they have only been there for a few months.  Point in case, when Obamacare really takes hold, you can be assured the free market will take the blame once all the awful policies make our lives worse off, and then the new president will just have to do something.  Often times, the something they do is not what they promised and against their supposed political ideology, but it’s okay because they didn’t do nothing.  That is the gist of life in America.  That’s how we got Obamacare in the first place.

Somehow, even with all the baggage, these people on our TV screens become the answer, the way to a more fruitful American life, even though years after they leave office the government they supposedly changed is still indistinguishable from anything concerning Republican ideology or Democrat ideology.  It’s just government.  It’s a creature of habit, consumption, and ultimately destruction.  But we still believe them, those who wield a mighty pen that can change the rules of the world we live in.  Those who can create rights out of thin air.  These people that have the power to imagine up wars and then make them possible.  They have the might to keep us safe, if safe means keeping us in danger to assure that we need them to keep us safe.  They have the wisdom to do what is right and only what is best for us, if by “us” it is meant even just a minority of those that voted for them.

I have no problem admitting that I had a corrupted mind.  I believed that these men we elect president were more than just words.  I had no understanding of what this gangster organization we call government was.  I’d almost be thankful for the election of Barack Obama as it taught me a most important lesson, but I can’t be thankful because of all the suffering and death that are the result of electing yet another president.  These fools stand on their stage and give the world a circus while awful decisions are made behind closed doors, and all of us who choose to be on teams protect this imagery from breaking down and showing truth.  We never want that curtain to open behind our man on the stage because it will only show a body count.  We lie to ourselves.  We lie to our family and friends.  We lie because they lie and all their people lie, and the deceit becomes so thick that we can’t pull ourselves out, it just pulls us under so deep that the struggle to be free almost isn’t worth it.  It hurts.  The allegiance to our abusive idolatry cannot be broken.

When I finally realized that the crimes of the Bush administration were still happening, my protective instincts of the man I voted into power finally began to wane.  When I saw that all the agitation against corporatism and the wars was numbed by a people who thought that their votes had changed life in America, I finally began to understand that the president is only a mouthpiece for something deeper and uglier.  His words and image are only there to protect empire.  He exists for the audience to believe the opposite of reality is actually happening.  Truth is treason.  War is peace.  Tyranny is freedom.

Our beliefs are deep.  Even after disappointment, we go out every four years and do it again without ever realizing the scam.  I almost don’t understand how people can continue to do this all their life, but then I realize I did it again, one last time.  Throughout the four years of the Obama administration I started to read many libertarian and anarchist authors.  I began listening to podcasts.  I started reading the days news on their websites.  Eventually I saw that we really have been indoctrinated to live in a world that is not based in critical thinking.  I was waking up, slowly, and I can pinpoint my foray into this world being guided by Ron Paul, who for me was the final politician.

While I again began to put my faith into one individual, I felt it was different this time.  This person had a philosophy with the voting record in Congress to prove it.  He had ideas way outside of the mainstream and wasn’t afraid to say them, even in the face of total opposition.  He spoke a word that I never previously understood and only saw as a political tool.  When Ron Paul spoke of liberty, he meant it in it’s most true form.

Though I changed my Independent status as a voter and became a Republican for a 6 month time period in order to attend all of the Nevada Republican conventions to get Ron Paul the nomination, it was at this same time my ideas and understanding of life were becoming more and more firmly rooted in anarchy.  Quite the paradox.  Even as I was cheering during the last convention at the fact that we had elected almost all Ron Paul delegates to go to the Republican National Convention, I wasn’t even sure anymore if I’d be voting for a president.  Of course that decision was made pretty easy for me in the end when Paul didn’t receive the nomination.  Even though there was a ton of RNC corruption involved, he still never had the numbers.  I sometimes wonder whether I would have voted for a Ron Paul president if it were possible.  I hope not, if only because that decision would have brought me back into the statist game.  I am endlessly thankful though, because the path to liberty is the eventual path to anarchy, and this Texas politician was a huge influence.

All that doesn’t matter anymore though.  I’ve separated myself from that world of democracy.  I have no connection with any pre-packaged ideology, politician, or political system of control.  I don’t know what the answers are.  I take every issue one at a time, and sometimes my thinking on them goes in a direction that may be considered left, or may be considered right, but all-in-all I look for the most free answers that don’t bring aggression into the mix.

I have no interest in being one of the wheels or gears of the state.  In regards to the machine, I have stopped myself and chosen to opt out in any way possible.  It has to end somewhere.  It may be a slow process, but one at a time, we’ve got to stop paying attention to them and start living with autonomy.  The absolute best way forward, the absolute best way to shut it down, the absolute best way to dissolve the central government is to simply stop.

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