October 1, 2012

Free Everyone

Is it a great stretch for the individual to try to understand and love all people of the world, strangers that should really have no effect on their lives?  This isn’t to say that we must love everyone in the same way that we love our family, but in a way that we respect each individual’s personal freedom enough not to infringe upon it.  This can be as simple as not trashing your neighbor’s yard, or as complicated as finding the correct response to the violence of criminal extremists in which you don’t hold an entire people responsible.  While culture may be greatly different in the world’s various regions, the want for living as a free person is not.

Your love for the world is the love of freedom, and freedom can only extend to all by example.  Might does not make right in a free world for the simple fact that it exemplifies force as the answer, and that the user of the force is justified. 

The only true freedom that can exist is that of the individual, for each individual is born a free and natural person.  Eventually a compulsory system of social order comes into their life and the collective mind is born.  The rights of the collective are a crime against the individual, because when rights are created for groups, other groups must enforce them.  A hierarchy of authority is then created, and eventually that authority will come to have the ultimate rights and the ultimate justification.  An unnatural system that is created to control, coerce, and fool the individual into believing that their life belongs to the collective is no example to show the rest of the world.  There can be no peace amongst people when association is violent and managed. 

The people of this world will find no great love for each other’s freedom if their minds are shackled to authority.  They will not be able to grow out of their own prejudices and extreme ideologies when violence and control are the example.  Truth and liberty does not come with a gun to the head.

For the world to be free, understanding of individual liberty has to come first.  We must understand that community should be natural.  Help is a voluntary gesture from each individual.  Some will not help, but most will, because as humans our first reaction to others is empathy.  When we hear stories we try to relate to them, if we can’t, we try to understand them through learning.  We are adults who can make our own decisions and work towards the paths we want.  We won’t always win in these pursuits, but the example isn’t winning, the example is being free. 

The majority of this world is born without chains, but it doesn’t take long for the state to start placing them around our necks, and sooner or later we come to accept this unnatural social order and our very own hands then tighten the chains. 

Love yourself.  Respect yourself.  Free yourself.  The world may follow.

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